Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Trip to Batam 26-07-2008

The ferry to Batam was quite fun as everyone is really have a good time.
Well at least i know that i had mine...

Holiday Inn Resort was awesome. Nice view, great atmosphere.
Totally wanna slack in and not go out.

Next destination, GO Kart!!!
You can whack the accelerator majiam like no tmr.
Still, i remember seeing someone eating grass (Cannot mention name)

Next stop, watersports!!!
Everyone played hard except for SHEEP, SZ and Me (We chickened out).
Instead we had a good makan session.
Not forgetting some "act gay" shot from SHEEP and Me.

I don't know how to explain about what happened during that night.
Picture speaks more than a thousand words.
So hope u get whats happening in the next 2 pictures.
(-_-")o0O (Haiz!!!)

Time flies when u are enjoying. (^^^ Not really )
Well its time to head back to HOME!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Lazy (1 of 1) Custom For Slutty's 23rd Birthday

Most people will think that their 21st birthday is one of the most important number in their life.
For me, 23 is the ultimate number for me.
Thankz to Lazy, i get a specially made custom for my 23rd Birthday.
Appreciate It.
Lovin' It